"We turn not older with years but newer every day." ~ Emily Dickinson

- Chocolate cake and balut from my sister-in-law, Cynthia;
- A watch from my mom-in-law. I don't wear watch, but maybe I could try;
- Crabs and shrimps fresh from Palawan, from my Mom and Dad, which were served, of course, for dinner yesterday and made everyone happy (and fat!);
- My husband is paying for half the price of Nikkor 50mm lens (talagang di pa binuo 'no?). We haven't bought it yet since there are no stocks available in the market, but I am already including it in this list (baka maging bato pa eh..hehe); and
- A sick daughter and her sick yaya (yup, you read it right!)
I will not dwell on the first four in my list since it's pretty obvious they all made me happy. But why am I thankful for my daughter and her yaya getting sick on my very birthday? Well, since Ann (our dear yaya) is sick, today I did all the things she does for my kids when Danny and I are not around. I played with the kids, we took a bath all together, I prepared their milk and food, I ate with them, brushed their teeth, tucked them in to bed, and I attended to their every need like when they need to go the restroom, change their soiled clothes, wash their dirty hands, whatever. I realized that I haven't done these things for my kids for a very long time. I work five days a week and when I come home every night, they usually had their dinner (w
ith Ann) and had their bedtime bath already (with Ann again). Even on weekends, I've been very dependent on Ann doing most of these things for them. I am there, but I am not really there, I guess. Today, I realized that my daughters need me more than anything and that giving them all the love and attention they deserve is the best way I could show my gratefulness for having been blessed with these little princesses. It may not be the Nikon D3 on top of my wishlist, but it's the best present i got today, given that i've already been blessed with another year! 31 and still kicking! Good times!

By the way, my daughter and Ann are feeling a lot better now, thank God!
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